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How to get all details from Installed Updates Window – powershell

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To see all details of installed updates, you can use the following script (create a .ps1 file and run from powershell)


$session = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(“Microsoft.Update.Session”,$ComputerName))
$us = $session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$qtd = $us.GetTotalHistoryCount()
$hot = $us.QueryHistory(0, $qtd)

# Output object
$OutPut = @()

#Iterating and finding updates
foreach ($Upd in $hot) {

# 1 means in progress and 2 means succeeded
if ($Upd.operation -eq 1 -and $Upd.resultcode -eq 2) {
$OutPut += New-Object -Type PSObject -Prop @{

#Writing updates to a text file
$OutPut | Out-File -FilePath “C:\output.txt” -Append
